Foundational Course Summer 2024

Summer 2024 Online Foundational Course

An Introduction to

 "A Supple Voice, with Equanimity in the Breath"

Due to a change in family life circumstances,

 the summer 2024 course will be in an on-demand format.

Scroll down to learn more


Reach out to

for more information.

 home-1.jpgMy name is Shannon Boyce and whether you love to sing, or long to sing, I would like to invite you to join me on a journey to discover the transformative healing power of singing.

As a trained singer, teacher, and founder of 
A Supple Voice singing school, I bring a creative mix of anthroposophically inspired singing (Werbeck Singing - The School of Uncovering the Voice), insights from traditional vocal pedagogy, and a creative understanding of healthy embodiment to support you in singing your soul into life. I also support Waldorf Teachers who find that singing is not their strongest skill set to feel more confident in singing to bring into the classroom.  

A Supple Voice
 singing school offers a series of transformative foundational singing courses taught conveniently online. The first course starts with how to develop an understanding of the breath and how to work with it appropriately for the consciousness of the times we are living in today. This then leads to an understanding of the musical sound in foundational course number two, and then onto an understanding of integrating the speech sounds into singing in foundational course number three. Plus, more advanced courses to widen and expand the voice, understand the polarities in the voice, and reflection in the voice.

Summer 2024 Foundational Course 

will be foundational courses #1

"Equanimity in the Breath"

Read below for more details.

New Students are welcome!

No previous experience is required.

All are welcome, whether you love to sing or long to sing.

There are multiple sessions offered to cover different time zones. 

This course is offered online in an on-demand format for summer 2024.  It is for those who are interested in exploring “Uncovering the Voice”, an artistic impulse first developed by Mrs. Valborg Werbeck-Svärdström under the guidance of Rudolf Steiner.

In this work, the singer and the process of singing are viewed holistically, inviting the singer to pursue a deeper self-awareness through moving with confidence and joy toward discovering his or her own voice, with the aim of the natural opening and balance of the voice.
It is a gentle process, and the voice is never pushed along but develops slowly through the engagement and active participation of the singer, who gains a deeper understanding and manifestation of the truly free voice.

A wide range of specific singing exercises will be developed together with a comprehensive study of Chapter 1 of Valborg Werbeck's book, "Uncovering the Voice: The Cleansing Power of Song".   
Click Here to see her book.

The on-demand course includes

  Twelve 90 minute on-demand video lesson recordings. Ideally you watch one or two lessons a week to complete the course over a 3 month period, June, July and August.

The beauty of this is that you have the ability to stop and start each lesson for deeper understanding. 

  Three private live online 45-minute lessons, are included and must be schedule between June, July, August 2024.  
  • A link to the lesson calendar for scheduling your three sessions will be available to you on the confirmation page when you register.

  • All private one on one lessons should be scheduled at least two weeks apart and be completed by September 1, 2024.  With 24 hours notice, provisions can be made for rescheduling as needed through out the course should something come up. Hey life happens.

  Four Group Community sharing times live online for one hour June 24th, July 8th, July 22nd, August 5th live.

Tuition Cost $695 
 Sliding scale available for those living in other parts of the world with a different level of economy than the USA.

Payment plans available.

1. I'm interested, but I’m not sure about doing this online and committing to the full program. Can I have an introductory lesson first?  

Yes! Click the button below to receive online access to receive a sample lesson of the first 3 basic exercises.
Blue Modern Game Button Twitch Panel (1).jpg

2. Online fatigue is real and 90 minutes seems like a long time, will we be singing the whole time?  How will you address this issue? 
We will not be singing for the whole 90 minutes. The sessions go by very quickly as you will be spending part of each lesson reading and studying Werbeck's book.
While online fatigue is real, the singing exercises bring a counter-balancing effect which helps to build up your life forces. You will also be specifically instructed on how to work with this and use your electronic device strictly as only a tool to counteract and prevent online fatigue. Students are guided on how to set a boundary between themselves and the screen in front of them.  
And since the program is on-demand you have the option to stop and start and take the lessons in shorter segments.

3. How does online singing work? What are the benefits and what are the drawbacks?
At its core, the benefits of this online course are the same as if you attended live in person. You will receive the same rich content that Werbeck has to teach us and learn the healing benefits of The School of Uncovering the Voice exercises. My objective as a teacher working with students online is to maintain the integrity of the work as no different than if we were working together in the same physical classroom.
The biggest drawback is that we don't get to be in the same room together balancing our listening to each other. So the listening experience will be different. However, I have been teaching online this way for over 5 years and I have found ways to help students still deepen their listening experiences even in their own living space being online at home. An added bonus is that those who could never give up a week's worth of time to travel and attend can now learn the exercises from the comfort of your own home and save on travel costs.  


Testimonials from other online students

"I am so very grateful to Shannon Boyce for her thorough and thoughtful guidance through a unique and profound way of experiencing a return to what really must be our inborn connection to our true, natural voice. With her compassionate way of teaching and her years of experience as well as her passion for Werbeck's way of understanding what singing is on all levels of being, she helped us feel our way back to a profound human gift that is there waiting to be rediscovered."

"I have noticed a change in my breathing. Not only is my breathing more natural, deeper in a non pushed way, but I notice that I really trust that the breath will be there now, which makes me more relaxed when I'm singing."

"This course could not have come at a better time. It provided so much hope and joy in singing during a time where singing together in person has not been possible. Shannon is an enthusiastic and clear teacher. Highly recommended."

"The strength of this course is not only the material, but also Shannon's obvious dedication to the work. It's so helpful that she has clearly practiced the material for so long and integrated it so well, but that she also makes it clear in what she says while teaching and that she considers herself to be on the journey with us. That attitude makes me feel psychologically like the work is possible for me too. Also, her sense of humor is gold!

"I felt at some point that my voice had become more stable. There is more buoyancy in my singing, a new lightness. There is enough air to reach higher tones without straining."

"Shannon's metaphors and the way of describing the feeling we were looking to relax into were all a wonderful window into what we were being introduced to. The exercises themselves are just amazing! Shannon years of study allows her to bring the exercises in a living, breathing way!